Living abroad is not always fun 😩

I’ve lived abroad for 3 years. And it has been mostly amazing.
I’m back home in France for a few months. But I wanted to share this with you.
Careful, it’s kinda emotional.
In today’s podcast, we’re talking about:
  • How living abroad is not always fun,
  • What you are going to miss from your home country,
  • Why, in the end, it doesn’t matter,
  • And how you are going to feel if you do decide to move abroad.


In the 6-day course, you'll :
- discover how to truly commit to learning French,
- learn why immersion might not work as you expect,
- access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning,
- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

3 beautiful French poems about love

French.. The language of love right? So can you picture anything more lovely than a French poem about love? Got you three of them! (Spoiler: you might cry…)

Common pronunciation mistakes in French

COMMON PRONUNCIATION MISTAKES ENGLISH SPEAKERS MAKE IN FRENCH Let’s get a few common pronunciation mistakes out of the way, shall we? 1. Pronouncing every letters

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