The Académie won't take any new students after the 31st of July 2021

How to learn French

in 6 months only?

With the 3 STEP METHOD™ a unique learning approach that takes you from beginner to intermediate while focussing on speaking.

Why is speaking French so hard?

Someone is speaking to you. You stare at the person in awe. The way she speaks… it’s so beautiful. All those wonderful sounds and words coming out of her mouth.

If you were to speak like this, you’d talk to yourself all the time.

Oh oh.

She stopped talking, she’s now looking at you. She probably asked you something.

There’s just one problem. You didn’t understand.

All those hours of lessons and hard work, and she asks:

Do you speak English?

You’re not happy with yourself.

You start to think maybe… you’re the problem?

Why is it such a struggle to speak French?

You understand the grammatical concepts when they are explained but once you have to use them… Let’s say it takes you a lot of efforts and patience to compose a single sentence.

girl with her head in a french book - reading
learn french - visiting paris the seine

Because you have to remember where to put the adjective, how to ask a question, how to conjugate the verb être at the passé composé, and what was the word you learned last week again?

It’s really frustrating… 

You are super motivated, that’s not the issue. But all those conjugaisons and weird sounds… make French feel like an impenetrable wall.

Each time you try to learn something new, it’s like you forget everything you had learned before.


Your brain goes in 'overwhelm mode'

It refuses to take on new information. And mixes up the most basic rules you thought you understood well enough.

And when you open your mouth, it’s unnatural (at best)

IF, you manage to gather the courage to speak. Because you’re sometimes avoiding to speak French when you could, because you’re afraid of saying something completely crazy.

All of this doesn’t really push you to work harder. Because the harder you try to memorise, the worst it becomes.

And the less motivation you have left…

streets of paris - just french it

Even thought, you KNOW that what you need is practice.

I mean, everyone is telling you that! But…

It's practice that is the hardest

It’s practice you dread, because you don’t feel prepared, you don’t feel good enough about your French and let’s admit it… Who likes to put oneself in situations where everything is difficult?

It’s simply NOT helping to hear everyone telling you to be patient.

To keep working hard.

To wait….

Do they mean weeks? months? years?!

The more you go on like this, the more you wonder – is learning French supposed to be that hard?

Maybe you are slowly starting to think that learning French is only for the people with ‘language genes’, who learned it when they were kids.

Or people who have all the time in the world and can work on their French all day long.

For the few lucky chosen ones.

girl in the street of paris

That's exactly what I thought too

About English.

I had had thousands of hours of classes.

Yet, when I had the chance to speak to English natives, I realised… I couldn’t even speak.

Everything I had ever learned was a mush of weird looking words that I assembled as I could. Yet, I could see on the face of the lovely Irish lady in front of me, that I wasn’t making much sense.

That scared me.

Because I had big plans. Plans of living abroad.

Which would be impossible if I wasn’t capable to speak or understand what people were telling me.

So I understand very deeply what you are feeling right now. I understand the frustration.

I saw the same frustration in hundreds of students.

The frustration of not being understood.

Or taken seriously, when their teacher are telling them to just ‘listen to more French’, ‘you’ll get the hang of it’.

The results are not coming.

I watched them come to me in last resort, ready to give up.

They were almost waiting for someone to tell them they would never speak French. But…

...that's not true!


You are about to go back home. What a magical trip this was…

A week of pure bliss. You enjoyed France so much. Everything about it was magnificent.

The people, the food, the atmosphere, the weather, the historical sites,… 

You had a great time.

You enjoyed speaking French the most. The way people smiled back at you when you talked to them in French. Asking you where you’ve learned it, and complimenting you on your accent.

You feel PROUD. You’ve done it.

And rolling the R on your tongue is an absolute pleasure.

You can’t wait to do it again.

And you will, because you’ve met people and you’ve made friends. Friends who told you to come back soon because they still had so much to show you.

Maybe next time they’ll take you on a trip to the other side of France?

On La Côte d’Azur maybe.

Or in Alsace.

There is still a lot to discover.

All of this.. Because you know how to SPEAK French.

You weren’t afraid. In fact, you didn’t even hesitate…

girl looking out in paris
girl in Paris

You jumped on every occasion. It was a joy!

Yes, every single thing you said wasn’t perfect. You had to ask for several words you didn’t know. You spotted a few grammatical mistakes as you said them. But that doesn’t matter.

You enjoy speaking French, you are understood when you speak, you are progressing every single day. So why would you ever stop?

Is it even possible to learn French like that?


But if you keep on learning like you’re learning right now.

It’s going to take a long time.

We’re talking months before you are even ready to have a simple conversation.

Years before you start really enjoying speaking.

What if you could enjoy it right now?

What if you had a plan you only had to follow that will make you speak French?

What if you could start having your first conversations not in months, but in a week?

Wouldn’t it be great?

That’s the method I created.

It’s based on my experience with my students. And my experience as a language learner.

The French Académie

The only French program in 3 steps that will make you speak French with confidence in 6 months

The French Académie
view of the eiffel tower in paris

What is the French Académie?

The French Académie is a 3 part online program to help beginners SPEAK French with confidence.

It’s a concrete and practical program, especially designed to make you speak French and give you fast results you can rely on not to lose motivation over the long term.

It’s simple to follow, and gives you EVERYTHING you need to speak and understand French with confidence.

I’m going to guide you, step by step, to learn to have true conversations in this beautiful language.

Moreover, it’s not just some program you follow and forget. Because you’ll have your own French teacher, to whom you can ask everything.

In short, it’s going to make you speak French.

So that you can already say ‘I speak French’, and build upon this to become fluent later on.

During the program, we will

Why should you take the French Académie?

If you have been trying or dying to learn French for a while, but that you don’t know where to start, have trouble with speaking, can’t seem to remember things correctly – this program has been especially designed for you.

Most alternative solutions will drown you in heavy lectures and deep dive into grammar. Here we are going to go straight to speaking.

You will truly learn, not just vaguely understand.

At the end of the program, you will find yourself getting addicted to speaking in French with people. It will become a really fun activity that brings you joy.

Some of the members of the French Académie are now in the process of buying a house in France. They are not perfect, that’s not the goal of this program.

But they speak French and they rip the benefits of it.


The Académie has been designed to give you results straight away.

So after the first week, you’ll already be able to have a conversation in French with a native. Then, over time, you’ll gain in flexibility as you learn more about how French works.

But even after only the first week? You’ll be hooked. Because you will have gotten a taste of actually speaking and conversing in French.

What's included in the French Académie?

The Académie is divided in 3 phases. You must complete one phase to move on to the other one.

During the first phase, we will be focussing on getting you to a speaking level – so you can practice and enjoy the rest of the program.

During the second phase, we will learn to become flexible in French by taking a look at French grammar, in a unique way.

During the third and last phase of the Académie, we will build the foundations on which you will progress and become fluent in French.

All three parts come with learning material in the form of videos, PDF and audios.

You also get a print-ready workbook to guide you through the whole program.

AND, of course, email support. So if you have a question, want feedback on something, need a specific kind of material, I’ll be personally answering your questions.

Here's the complete Program

PHASE 1 : Getting to a speaking level

-> At the end of the first phase, you’ll have made a few French friends already and will be speaking French regularly with them.

PHASE 2 : Becoming flexible in French

-> At the end of the second phase, you’ll be a flexible speaker. You’ll be able to have more interesting, deeper conversations.

PHASE 3 : Your journey to fluency

-> At the end of the third phase, you’ll be a French speaker: able to recognise cultural reference, watch movies in French and converse about it freely.

Here's what students of the Académie have to say

Jordan Greszczak had just begun the phase 1 of the Académie, here’s how her first conversation went:

Patricia is saying this (and that’s just the first step):

Odette has been revising the basics:

Michaeleen has been taking full advantage of the email support:

Christina finally was able to speak French, after trying for a long time:

Daniel had a blast:

Dawn had some breakthroughs:

Monica, Mary & Linda are still learning, are making loads of progress everyday, and enjoyed the program:


$ 97
  • 24/7 ACCESS TO ALL MATERIAL (from all your devices)
  • 7 French Académie special modules (value - $300)
  • 2 packs to start speaking - Basic Sentence Pack & Basic Words pack (value - $200)
  • 3 best-seller courses: 7 days to your first French Conversation, Cruelty-free French Grammar, and Intro to French Culture (value - $300)
  • BONUS 1 - The French Culture Database (value: $50)
  • BONUS 3 - Anything extra that you might need (ask me for specific material)
  • EMAIL SUPPORT (ask me all your questions)

Frequently Asked Questions

You can send me your questions at 

There is one type of person who is bad at language. The one that doesn’t even try.

You are here, you are speaking English, you have everything you need to learn to speak French.

I wasn’t born with language genes, everyone in my family is monolingual. Yet, I’m on my third language. And I’m not an exception.

Countless people are learning and have learned languages. In fact, most people in the world are multilingual. If that many people can… why couldn’t you?

Your current lack of results, only means you aren’t doing what works. We’re going to change that.

Did you know that learning a language actually improves your memorization capacity?

But that’s definitely a good concern because I bet you have seen the size of a complete French grammar book.

This is why we are only going to cover the grammar and vocabulary that is TRULY NECESSARY. Most students are a bit surprised when they see the size of the learning material.

I even got emails of students worried they weren’t going to know enough.

But they learned, and they realized they don’t need more than that.

Memorisation is also covered in the course. I’m going to show you exactly what to do to retain information.

This is something I wish I had discovered sooner, because it is truly amazing how easy it is to retain words and rules over the long term.

I don’t like to talk about levels, because it’s never representative of capacities.

An advanced learner might have difficulties conversing but no problem reading.

A beginner might be a super good converser, but wouldn’t be able to read anything.


So, instead of talking about A1 or beginner, I prefer to give you a super concrete example.

If you were to meet a French person right now, would you be able to have a conversation with her? Beyond just the greetings?

If no, then the Académie is for you.

If yes, and that you have no issues with speaking, the Académie is not for you.

If you can’t converse in French, no.

In fact, if you recognize yourself in the examples in this page, or if you’d like the same results as Jordan, Odette, Christina or Daniel – your base is going to help you progress even faster.

The program is self-learning. So you have access to all the material as soon as you purchase it.

The Académie has been designed to be finished in 6 months, but you can take as much time or as little time as you wish.

There is a 30 days guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the program, send me an email and I’ll refund you entirely.

Duolingo, and the likes of it are fine. In fact, they do an incredible job at introducing people to languages.

But it’s not a serious strategy if you wish to learn how to speak and use the language outside of the app.

In fact, that’s often the problem of many methods and new learning techniques: what you’re actually learning is how to use the technique, not French.

So learners who only rely on those end up not being able to speak, or understand what natives are telling them in real conversation. They are trained with a robot voice. Which is the total opposite of what learning a language should be.

Plus, only learning vocabulary won’t make you a flexible speaker. You need vocabulary AND grammar AND practice AND culture. Which is what the Académie is offering to you.

Do you want to become a good Duolingo player? Or someone who speaks French?

For optimal learning, you should put aside 10 minutes per day to go through the course. And one hour per week to practice.

This is flexible. Time management is covered in the course, I guarantee we’ll find more time than you need during your week.

(And if I may, I’m going to share a secret with you: busy people usually are the best learners. Because they pace themselves, and progress bit by bit. Which is a way better strategy than huge chunks of time every day.)

The Académie is available on all devices: your computer, your phone and your tablet.

Everything is accessible via internet. You can download some material to have them with you all the time, and consult the video and audios online, on your personal account on The School.

The School is an website, you will have your own password to access the Académie.

No, the Académie is on a website.

You can access this website via any device: computer, phone or tablet.

You will have your own password to log in your personal account.

On your personal account, there will be all the element of the Académie.

You will have access to the material forever, via this website.

If you’re having technical difficulties, I can also assist you via email.

The Académie comes with 6 month of email support.

Any questions, feedback you want, or extra material you need – simply send me an email.

I will personally reply within 24h.

Yes, the Académie will stay on your personal account forever.

You will have access to it at any time.

-> if ever, the website was to close, I would offer you to download the entire program.

There is no better way to learn in my opinion. But, now, it’s not a magic technique.

With the Académie, you will LEARN and SPEAK. It’s not passive. In any way.

If you don’t do the work, then no, you will not have results with it. That’s for sure. And I can pretty much guarantee you’ll never speak French either.

But if you do work, and follow my instructions, then you will. And it might just be one of the greatest gifts you’ve ever given yourself.

I wish you this

When I finally learned to speak English, my life changed.

I don’t say that to be cheesy or dramatic.

It’s just how it is.

I went from a shy little mouse, afraid of many things, to a full-grown woman, ready to take on any challenge life wanted to throw at me.

Because I had accomplished something good for myself.

That meant I could do, maybe not everything, but many things.

I studied abroad.

Left the family farm.

Met people from all around the world.

Experience other cultures, from within.

And I wish that for you.

All those adventures.

Because whenever you are from, you deserve to see a little bit more about what the world has to offer.

And learning French could be just that for you.

The door to another, better world.

Imagine putting on a French movie right now.

And not needing subtitles.

Imagine catching some people speaking French on the street.

Surprising them with your French. The smile on their faces. And on yours.

Imagine taking your friend to France.

Showing them around the house you are about to buy maybe? Or tasting amazing food on la terrasse d’un café?


That’s you in just a year.

If you want to.

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