Become a confident French learner

In our 6-day course, you’ll uncover:

  • Discover how to truly commit to learning French
  • Learn why immersion might not work as you expect
  • Access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning
  • Master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles


This is fantastic! Thank you, I love it ! Of all the emails for French learning I have signed up in the past, you are the only one who has thought of sending the emails in French only. I have enjoyed your emails over the years, and now I love and look forward to them even more. Merci beaucoup !
Merci beaucoup Marie pour les indices que vous partagez. Vous êtes géniale. J'apprends beaucoup de toi.. À la prochaine !
Susie C. de Leon
J’ai beaucoup aimé ta lettre merci Marie pour tout votre travaille et cohérence. J’aime les idées que vous nous donnez et je suis heureux  et motivé chaque fois que je lis votre newsletter. Merci beaucoup!! Vivement les prochains 💐
Tatiana Lopez
Toujours-un plaisir de recevoir votre e-mail! J’adore tout ce que vous faites pour préparer vos étudiants!​
I have to tell you, I had started to give up until I saw you, Marie. I am here now thanks to you, because you gave me what I needed to re-start.
Christina Svendsen
I love receiving your emails, your method is so spot on. I've made amazing progress thanks to you.
Mary S.
I wish I had discovered you sooner. You are marvellous! Très chouette.
Linda M.
Merci! J'ai bien rigolé avec ton email sur Duolingo ahah You rock ya Girl!!!
Mag M. Piendel
Thank you for sharing your expertise like that. I'm having so much fun learning a little bit of French everyday. Your emails are amazing because they cater for beginners and advanced ! Merci.
Just French It is an amazing resource to learn about the French language as well as various aspects of French culture. Highly recommended!
Hunter Van Ry, author of Frenchplanations
You do so much more than teaching French. You gave me consciousness about French! Merci
Albouni Raheel
So many people wouldn't share what you just did... But you did it! It reminds me of the writing of the Swan, and Les Madeleines. Merci Marie!
Elizabeth Anderson-Zaczkowki
Good morning Marie, I love this story! I'm so happy to receive your emails.
Juanita Mulhern
Ah Marie, I can relate to that story! Love.
Shirley Montgomery
Thank you for sharing your experience, your story helped me to change my mindset and to focus on the positive. I'm going to attend university in France next year!
Kathy Hamilton
I'm always looking forward for your emails!
Chris Vincent
Your messages resonate with me very much.
I am loving your emails Marie.
Bijou U.
I'm so excited to finally be able to speak French!!
Thank you so much, this was so helpful!!
Your emails are my religion aha
Again! Another really helpful email Marie, it's like magic with you. Merci!!!
Amanda S.

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