Cute in French 🥰 10 ways to say cute in French

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How to say cute in French? There are plenty of vocabulary you could use, but which one is appropriate for your situation?

Do you want to say a baby is cute? Nicely cute? Or are you talking about someone who is.. sexy cute? Do you want to be charming while saying it? Formal? or funny?

How do you say cute in French then? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

In this article, I’m giving you plenty of examples, in context! For the pronunciation, you can also follow this video. There is more vocabulary words in the article, so make sure to read too.

Picture of Author : Marie Drouvin

Author : Marie Drouvin

Salut! Je suis Marie and I'm on a mission to make learning French simple. You can find me on Youtube, or here, on this blog. And if you want to know more about how to learn French, take a look at my book.

My book : Learn French in 6 months

Cute in French : Mignon

The first way to say cute in French, and the most standard way is mignon.

In most case you would use cute in English, you can use mignon in French.

Tu es mignon : You are cute

Mignon is actually the masculine form of the noun. It’s the one you are going to use with masculine gender words – like bébé for example.

Le bébé est mignon. : The baby is cute.

No matter the sex of the baby, if it’s a boy or a girl – the noun bébé is masculine.

And so you’ll use the masculine version of the adjective mignon.

We’ll see the feminine version in a minute.

But, before that, you’re also going to use the masculine version for situations.

C’était mignon. : It was cute.

Any sentence you’ll start with c’est or c’était.

And, finally, if you want to describe a group – as long as there is at least one male or one masculine gender word in the group – you’ll use the masculine mignon.

In the plural – mignonS.

Vous êtes mignons. : You (plural) are cute.

Ma soeur et mon frère sont mignons. : My sister and my brother are cute.

Cute in French : Mignonne

Now, you’re going to need the feminine version of mignon too.

Mignonne : cute (feminine)

You’re going to use it to describe women or girls.

Tu es mignonne : You are cute (here you are definitely addressing a woman or a girl)

But you’re also going to use the feminine version of cute with nouns that are of the feminine grammatical gender.

For example: fille (daughter), fourchette (fork), jambe (leg), tasse (cup),…

Sa petite fille est mignonne. : Her little daughter is cute.

J’ai acheté une tasse super mignonne. : I bought a super cute cup.

Another situation where you’d use the feminine version is for groups composed of only females or grammatically feminine words.

For example: a group of cups (des tasses), a group of girls (des filles), or two legs (deux jambes).

In this instance, you would also add the mark of the plural : S.

Tes filles sont mignonnes : Your daughters are cute.

Cute in French

Cute in French : Mimi

Now that you know how to say cute in French, the standard way, what about when you want to go the extra mile?

Wanting to give some flavour to your French?

Instead of mignon, use the word mimi.

Ton chien est trop mimi!! : Your dog is so cute!!

It’s the abbreviation of the word mignon really. The first syllabe. And it SOUNDS cute doesn’t it?

What’s interesting with mimi is that you don’t need to worry about feminine and masculine, or even singular or plural.

It is always spelled and pronounced the same way.

Ta soeur est mimi. : Your sister is cute.

J’ai acheté une tasse trop mimi. : I bought a super cute cup.

Tu es mimi. : You are cute (feminine or masculine! Who knows ahah)

Cute in French : Charmant / Charmante

Maybe you don’t mean nice cute, maybe you mean… sexy cute?

Like if a cute guy is passing by and you are turning to your best friend to say ‘code purple, cutie alert’. Or you want to express to your best mate that this girl is awfully… cute 😁

In this case, mignon or mignonne doesn’t quite cut it. You need another word.

And this word is…

Charmant : cute (sexy cute) / charming

It works exactly like mignon.

There are two versions: masculine (charmant) and feminine (charmante).

Tu es charmant : You are cute (foér a man or a boy)

Tu es charmante : You are cute (for a woman or a girl)

You can also find this word in fixed expressions like:

Le prince charmant : Prince Charming

Une charmante demoiselle : A cute girl (usually what street ‘lurkers’ like to say before they insult you)

Enjoying this vocabulary article? Check out those ones too

Cute in French : Ravissant / Ravissante

If you want to go a step further, and not only say someone is charmant or charmante, but actually both cute and beautiful?

Ravissant : Cute (Ravishing)

Ravissante : Cute (Ravishing – feminine version)

In sentences, it gives something like this:

Wow, tu es ravissante mon amour : Wow, you are cute my love.

Ton décor de table est ravissant : Your table decor is cute.

Cute in French : Adorable

Someone is cute AND sweet? Then he or she is ADORABLE.

Same in French.

Adorable : Cute (adorable)

And for once, the feminine version is the same.

Just add an S at the plural.

Les chatons sont adorables! : The kittens are cute.

C’est adorable ce que tu as fait pour elle : It’s cute what you did for her.

Cute in French : Attirante / Attirante

What if someone is attractingly cute?

Then this person is…

Attirante (masculine)

Attirante (feminine)

You are drawn to them.

Je trouve Paul très attirant : I find Paul very attractive.

Colette est super attirante : Colette is super attractive.

Cute in French : Séduisant / Séduisante

Even more than attirant?

Séduisant (masculine)

Séduisante (feminine)

Think Marilyn Monroe – very attractive, like you can’t help but be fascinated by her or him.

She or he is cute, attractive and beautiful at the same time – and they know what they are doing, but not in a crude way.

Elle est très séduisante. : She is very cute / attractive / seductive.

If you need more vocabulary, I recommend you check out the SENTENCE PACKS on the School. Like this one:

SENTENCE PACK - Show Off your French to your Friends

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- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

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2 thoughts on “Cute in French 🥰 10 ways to say cute in French”

  1. Merci beaucoup, more articles like this s’il vous plaît! I want to learn the french that Duolingo won’t teach us!

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