Why your French pronunciation sucks

And it’s a crucial thing, because, even if you have a perfect grammar or the best vocabulary in the world, but a bad pronunciation… you won’t get yourself understood.
It’d be a shame right?
I would be like knowing how a guitar works, knowing about music, but not being able to play.
Maybe you are already in this situation…
Or maybe you are trying to avoid it..
Either way, I want you to remember this: it’s not your fault.
It’s not because you are not capable. Far from it.

The real problem is the method you are using to learn.

Tell me if that rings a bell.
You are passionate about French, and you have tried several methods already.
But what seems to really works is a combination of them all.
And what you like more than anything is:
  • watching movies in French (you are even starting to pick up stuff, which is exciting),
  • reading in French,
  • maybe listening to French music,…
You really love doing that, so you do plenty of it!
This is amazing, what you’re doing is great so don’t change a thing about that.
But the thing is – you are using mainly PASSIVE ways of learning.
Passive ways of learning are ways where you don’t need to be active.
You are passively watching, listening, and reading. There’s no real action there.
It’s like the information is put into your brain. Like a stock holder. Or a little attic.

The thing is - you need action

The problem is  that you are getting used of using your French only passively. And you need action to be able to speak.
Because speaking is not passive.
It’s actually quite the contrary – you need to take information from your brain and put it out there.
As opposed to taking info from a movie, or a book, and storing it in your brain.
So, what you really need is to start SPEAKING – although it can be scary, although it can be difficult.

How to work on your French pronunciation

How do you work on your French pronunciation if you are afraid to speak? 
If speaking French is not really an option for you right now?
Or if you want to be ready before you start?
Well, there’s a method. 
The one I use to teach…
The one you came across maybe if you watched any of my Vendredi Vocabulary videos..
But it’s a method that is not traditionally taught in language schools or in textbooks
Actually, it can’t really really be taught in textbooks, unless there’s some sort of CD or mp3 to go with it.
What is this method?

It’s simple - learning the sounds of French.

Imagine if you knew exactly what sounds the letters A+U are making in French?
That’d be really awesome, because that would allow you to do several crucial things:
  • Read in French with the right pronunciation in your head
  • Write in French with words that you’ve heard but never seen written
  • Speak in French with words you’ve never heard before
This method would give your preferred passive ways of learning a new breath of fresh air!
You could then learn French entirely with books, since you would know how to pronounce it all.
In theory obviously, because I would like you to use this method much more specifically, if you are really serious about learning French and that you want results.
What I want you to do is to use this method to speak with people. Natives or not, just speak.
Apply this, and your French will just skyrocket to the sky! Ahah 
I’m excited about this, really. 
Because it’s truly an amazing method, and it could transform your French quickly!

So, how can you use this?

Well, I’ve created an online course, it’s called Natural French Pronunciation, and it guides you through all of the sounds of French, how to spell them and how to read them.
It’s truly a big course. There’s so much info on there.
Once you’re in the course, I tell you specifically what to do and how to use it.
It’s nothing complicated of course. It is a practical course.

Natural French Pronunciation

During this course, you are going to learn:
  • Why you have troubles pronouncing French words
  • The fundamentals of a good French pronunciation, and how you can improve your pronunciation before tonight
  • How to pronounce each vowels,
  • Consonant,
  • Plus the accents,
  • Plus, the special combinations,
  • How to become a much more natural sounding French speaker
  • And extra techniques and exercices you can do to improve your French pronunciation over time, with very little efforts
Sounds good? C’est parti, I’ll see you in the first module!


In the 6-day course, you'll :
- discover how to truly commit to learning French,
- learn why immersion might not work as you expect,
- access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning,
- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

How to read in French

You’ve heard it – reading is one of the four pillars of language learning (alongside speaking, listening and writing).

So you’ve pick up a book. Now it’s time to read it.

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