Polyglots secrets 🤷‍♀️ How do they do it?

Polyglots are equally as fascinating and frustrating. You struggle with learning a language and they are on their 20th…
So in today’s podcast, we are talking about:
  • Why polyglots are fascinating us,
  • How they learn languages effortlessly,
  • If you could do it too, or not,
  • And how to learn languages like polyglots. 


In the 6-day course, you'll :
- discover how to truly commit to learning French,
- learn why immersion might not work as you expect,
- access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning,
- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

How French tenses work

French tenses can be tricky. That’s why in this video I’m showing you how French tenses work – the simple, and the compound ones.

Q&A Côte d’Azur, Notre Dame and races

https://youtu.be/5qrnRnBYSj0 Q&A Episode – Shall we make this a regular thing? I’m answering questions about: Grammar and the best reference books, Where to go in the

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