How to learn French by podcast 🎙 the complete guide to using podcasts to learn French

Ultimately, I’m a YouTube girl, but I do appreciate the calmness of a podcast from time to time. And actually, for a while, Just French had its own podcast, which you can still find on Spotify and other platforms. 

So can you learn French by podcast? Sure, I’m convinced you can find plenty of great advice and great lessons in the French learning podcast world.

But before you dive in head first, let’s get over some basic rules.

Picture of Author : Marie Drouvin

Author : Marie Drouvin

Salut! Je suis Marie and I'm on a mission to make learning French simple. You can find me on Youtube, or here, on this blog. And if you want to know more about how to learn French, take a look at my book.

My book : Learn French in 6 months

To learn French by podcast, you need to select the right kind of podcast

Ultimately, there are two kinds of podcasts you can use to learn French. Just like there are two kinds of Youtube videos. And depending on your level, you’re going to need to select one or the other. So 2 kinds of French podcasts: podcasts for learners, and native podcasts.

If you are a beginner, you’re going to need to primarily listen to podcasts for learners.

If you are an intermediate, you can use both formats, but moving slowly toward native podcasts as soon as possible.

And finally, if you are an advanced learner, you need to almost exclusively use French native podcasts.

Great French podcasts (native podcasts)

I don’t listen to many podcasts, but still, I have a few favorites… And some that I’ve been recommended.

Here you can download a list of French podcasts.

Rules for finding good French learner podcasts

Native podcasts can be a bit violent if you are a beginner. People speak fast, there are no transcripts, and it’s usually filled with expressions. No, you need to start with learner podcasts. And here again, there are two kinds of learner podcasts: dialogues or stories, and lessons.

Some French learner podcasts are all in French. Generally, the person is telling a story or chatting with someone. This is good if you aren’t a true beginner anymore, and want to get serious about listening to French.

And there are lessons. Where the main language is English, but the speaker talks about grammar rules or vocabulary. Those are a good introductions for true beginners.


Both are useful. It’s up to you to select what you need the most to learn.

CAREFUL THOUGH – Keep in mind those rules to select good quality podcasts:

  • You understand what is happening. At least 60% if it’s all in French. And you understand the terms or they are explained to you if it’s a lesson.
  • There are plenty of examples, and/or repetitions.
  • You actually like to listen to the podcast.
  • It’s not too long. And you don’t get overwhelm by the end of the podcast.

What French podcasts can do for you

If podcasts are your thing, they are going to help you with your French IMMENSELY. I’m not even kidding. They could be the missing link in your French learning journey.

This is what podcasts can do for you.

Learn French by podcast to improve your French listening skills

That is the biggest impact podcasts are going to have on your French.

Lessons or native podcasts, you are going to need to listen. And relying on your audition to learn. No writing to help you (or trick your ears into hearing something else).

This is going to help you when you are listening to French. You are going to recognize words much faster.

And that’s really good.

(There are better ways to improve your listening skills though.)

You are going to learn spoken French.

French has this particular quality: spoken French and written French are very different from one another.

Which can be a bit annoying.

Because most textbooks and old school programs will teach you written French. And won’t touch on casual and spoken French. That makes things difficult when you try to actually speak French with French people.

They won’t understand you. And more importantly, you won’t understand them.

So listening to spoken French from the get-go? A great idea indeed.

French podcasts make you a little bit more French

YouTube videos and podcasts do this quite well.

Because you are essentially listening to people speak French, and especially if you are using native podcasts, you are listening to French people’s opinions. From which, with repetition, you are going to get exposed to French culture.

(Because French culture isn’t about croissants and macarons).

This is a very important part of your language learning journey. And a step you MUST take if you want to become a little bit more advanced.

The right way to listen to French podcasts

As with anything, using podcasts is not what is going to make you speak French.

It’s only a tool.

You need to have a strategy around it, or you’ll just passively listening to lessons and French without progressing.

This is important.


Podcasts aren’t magical solutions.


This is what you need to do to progress with French podcasts.

Don't be passive (at least not all the time)

It’s the great sin of language learning (and life if you want my opinion on the state of the world): being passive.

But with podcasts, you can do a bit of passive. There is no need to take notes as if your life depends on it. You can do the occasional drive-and-listen session. Although… pleeeeeeaaaase don’t limit yourself to just listening.

Or else I’ll come and haunt you in your dreams. And I’m a scary lady when I want to be.

Repeat, write, repeat, check words in a dictionary, read more about the topic,… And did I mention repeat?

Don't be afraid to listen to the same podcast episode several times

Repetition is the mother of learning.

You can quote me on that. Although I’m not sure I’m the one who said it first. But boy boy boy, how I wish more people applied this simple concept.

Learning French is all about repeating the same words, the same sentences, the same exercises enough times to be able to do them without thinking about it. So when it comes to podcasts? Don’t be afraid to listen to the same episodes over and over again.

  1. This will help you see how you progress
  2. This will help you focus on specific parts of the podcast
  3. This will help you MEMORISE.

Stick with one or two of the same podcasts for a while

The second rule of learning: consistency

Once you find a French podcast or two that you like, stick with them for a while before changing. Or else you might end up just changing all the time and not sticking with one way to learn.

Which is not good for your concentration, nor your French.

So not only do I advise you to listen to the same episodes several times, but also to listen to the same podcasts. You’ll get used to the voice of the speaker, the way episodes are constructed, and this should give you enough stability to focus on the content of the French podcasts.

Don't binge listen to French podcasts

Now, listen, this is essential: DO NOT BINGE LISTEN.

There is a great danger to French learning: overwhelm. It’s killed more motivation, more dreams of speaking French than anything else. Overwhelm is your mortal enemy.

To learn, you need to learn new information, but in small portions that you can handle and use in your practice.

Deal? Or you know the drill. The scary lady haunts you until you listen to me.

Now, that being said, there are things French podcasts can't do

Have to be realistic with you, there are things podcasts can’t teach you.


  • How to READ French
  • and how to WRITE French

So you need to couple learning French with podcasts, with something else.

And if you want a complete method, it’s in my book.


In the 6-day course, you'll :
- discover how to truly commit to learning French,
- learn why immersion might not work as you expect,
- access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning,
- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

How to read in French

You’ve heard it – reading is one of the four pillars of language learning (alongside speaking, listening and writing).

So you’ve pick up a book. Now it’s time to read it.

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