Jobs for French Speakers 💼 French career anyone?

Having another language under your belt when you are looking for a job makes you way more attractive to employers. It’s a fact.

No, not attractive like that! Impress then with your skills 😛

But bref, once you have mastered the 5 steps to Business French, what are the jobs for French speakers out there?

But before we dive in, why is speaking French such a huge advantage for work?

Any language is really. But French is particular interesting for several reasons:

  • French is spoken in LOADS of countries. And particularly in certain regions of Africa that are rapidly growing and should become major business partners in the future. Not to mention the potential of those HUGE francophone markets.
  • France is leading the way in some very important industries, notably in aerospace, pharmaceuticals and nuclear energy. It’s also the official language of the European Union. So there’s plenty of opportunities to use your French, in plenty of different sectors.
  • It will definitely set you apart during recruitment, because not a ton of people are actually speaking French.

Let’s be real for a moment, speaking French should not be (and I’m sure it isn’t) your ONLY skill. 

Speaking another language makes you valuable in plenty of different domains, but only if you are also a competent worker in those domains to start with.
A baker than can speak perfect French but can’t bake bread is no use, right?

The jobs I’m going to present to you are jobs where French is really either essential, required, or a REAL plus. 

Here are the industries which have tons of jobs for French speakers.

Get a French speaking job in Customer support

This is probably the easiest job to land if you are a bit of a people person. Your language skills will definitely be appreciated by your future employer, especially in young driven companies.

And it’s a great way to start a career.

The job titles can be varied, so look for things like Customer service Advisor, Social Media Customer Support,…

To land a French speaking customer support job, you need to have your speaking French, as well as your written French on point. Because it’s not just about answering the phone.

You’re very likely to interact more and more with customers through social media and on the internet.

Another advantage of a job in customer support is that you could work in a lot of different countries: Ireland, Greece, Northern Ireland, Portugal,…

Just have a look around.

Work with French tourists in a tourism and hospitality job.

It’s a bit of a broad branch, but your French could be REALLY valuable if you want to work in an hotel, a restaurant, or even for a touristic attraction.
Think tour guide, receptionist, waiter, manager,… The world of tourism is your oyster if you’re fluent in two or more languages.
If you intend to move to France, your English speaking skills will also be greatly appreciated, as France is the first tourism destination in the world.
And it doesn’t mean you have to work in Paris, as there is plenty of English speaking visitors on the Côte d’Azur, or in Britanny, or even in the North.
Speaking of which…

The transport industry is also looking for French speakers.

Airlines, Coaches Companies, Train Companies,… In most cases speaking French is a super duper advantage!

Because first, French speaking customers, and second, French speaking destinations 🌴

Btw, Do you know in how many countries French is spoken? It’s probably more than you think.

If you are looking to get jobs that require you to speak French, please make sure to learn Business French.
Download the Business French Bundle, and get started on learning about French business culture, specific vocabulary you’ll need and where to go to find resources on business French.

There’s also plenty of French job opportunities in International Sales

Yeah, I know, it’s also a super broad domain. But think about it, as long as there is some sort of interaction with French companies, or the French market, your French skills are VALUABLE.

And I really mean valuable, as you could cash in a lot depending on our experiences, your connections and your skills.

Think International Salesperson, Negotiator, Consultant,…

Oh, and if you thought it could only apply to big multinationales, you’re wrong. There is plenty of smaller businesses that are doing business with France or marketing to French people.

Speaking of marketing,…

Content creation and marketing have jobs for French speakers

Social media’s getting bigger and bigger for companies, and in every domains.

And if they are international, they are going to need content for their French market. That’s where you fit in.

If you speak French and English, you can not only translate but also create content specifically for a French audience (NO they don’t have the same needs).

That’s a win for you if you are a content creator or a marketing expert.

And while we’re still on the subject of big companies,…

Because companies need French speakers, they also need to recruit them.

Are you working in HR? Speaking French will make you more valuable because you can recruit REAL French speakers.

Plenty of people think they speak French. Or at least, they do on paper. So they put it so on they resumes.

If you are in charge of recruiting French speakers, and that you do speak French, well it’ll be 100% easier to spot those people and recruit the competent ones.

If you are working in the arts, speaking French is essential

If there’s one thing everybody thinks when they hear France (or at least I do), it’s culture.

And if you are working in the arts, you’re going to miss out on GREAT opportunities if you don’t speak French.

Think Art Galleries, Concert Halls, Studios, Museums,… A lot is happening in France.

Now, there’s also jobs that are based ON the French languages, I’m thinking of French teachers, tutors, translators,…

I didn’t include those here, but they are also good job opportunities 🙂

I also didn’t mention any freelancing jobs in which French would be a great plus or an additional sources of revenue. But you get the drill.

Let’s recap then, if you were speaking French, or if you are, here are the sectors in which you can find jobs for French speakers:

  • Customer Support
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Transport
  • International Sales and Business
  • Content Creation and Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Arts 
That’s it for today les Frenchies.
Keep learning, keep laughing, and I’ll see you next week for another article on Just French It.
À la prochaine !


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1 thought on “Jobs for French Speakers 💼 French career anyone?”

  1. Christina Lovely

    Je parle français car je suis haïtienne et maintenant que je suis aux États-Unis depuis 3 mois environs, j’ai besoin du boulot pour répondre à mes besoins et pour aller à l’école et ça me semble difficile avec la langue française.

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