How much does it cost to learn a language? 💰

Like it or not, money is important. It rules what you can and cannot do. Can you afford to learn a language? How much does it cost to learn a language? Let’s find out.
We are talking about:
  • How much it cost to learn a language,
  • What you should ask yourself BEFORE you buy anything,
  • How much courses and teachers and tools are supposed to cost,
  • How not to get ripped by money greedy language marketers.


In the 6-day course, you'll :
- discover how to truly commit to learning French,
- learn why immersion might not work as you expect,
- access hand-picked resources for accelerated learning,
- and master strategies to tackle and overcome common hurdles

Common pronunciation mistakes in French

COMMON PRONUNCIATION MISTAKES ENGLISH SPEAKERS MAKE IN FRENCH Let’s get a few common pronunciation mistakes out of the way, shall we? 1. Pronouncing every letters

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